God of the Kushite-Egyptians Part 3

Written on 04/04/2022
Aston Farquharson

William Flinders Petrie and the Abtu Temples of God

While Amélineau discovered the predynastic Anu culture, Petrie found the “Tera-neter” faience tile in Africa at an Abydos temple in Nubia-Sudan or the Lower Nile. The tile existed in Abydos more than three thousand years before the Greeks renamed Kemet Egypt. Petrie excavated the object among thousands of other artifacts from hundreds of tombs. 


Petrie found a predynastic Anu statue or statuette in a temple in Abydos, Nubia-Sudan. It has evidentiary inscriptions proving its origin. The portrait and descriptions were the Anu ruler or a Tera-Neter (a priest). The inscriptions translated to mean a "Palace of the Anu at Ermant, Tera-neter."


These are excerpts from William Flinders Petrie's book "The Making of Egypt", 1939: 

 "The Aunu People. Besides these types, belonging to the north and east, there is the aboriginal race of the Anu, or Aunu, people (written with three pillars), who became a part of the historic inhabitants. The subject ramifies too doubtfully if we include all single-pillar names, but looking for the Aunu, written with the three pillars, we find that they occupied Southern Egypt and Nubia...


 "As to the Southern Egyptians, we have the most essential document, a portrait of a chief, Tera-neter, roughly modeled in relief in green glazed faience, found in the early temple at Abydos. Preceding his name, his address is given on this earliest of visiting cards ... Palace of the Aunu in Hermen city, Tera-neter." Hemen was the name of the god of Tuphium south of Luqsor. Erment, opposite to it, was the place of Aunu of the south, Aunu Menti. The next place in the south is Aunti (Gebeleyn), and beyond that Aunyt-seni (Esneh). (“Nubian Language Fans. عشاق اللغة النوبية. - Proto-historic ...”)


 "The chief peculiarity of the figure is the droop of the chin; this is caused by a slanting jaw with short ramus. The same type of jaw is seen in the ivory king from Abydos, and moreover, the Scorpion king who preceded Nar-mer. (“EgyptSearch Forums: The Anu People - Founders of Pharaonic ...”)


 "These figures are, then, the precious portraits remaining of the native pre-Menite kings of the south, and they are of a type certainly different from the dynastic type of the square-jawed Nar-mer (Mena) and his follows." (“The Anu or Aunu People of Egypt - Ancient Mysteries and ...”)


"Dynasty II, Tombs. The IInd dynasty came to terms with the earlier Aunu people, and the first king took the name Hetep-sekhemui, "peace of the two powers." By the middle of the dynasty, the Aunu people began to control the rule, and Set appears on the royal name instead of Horus. By the end of the dynasty, the two scepters were "united in peace" by Kho-sekhemui". (“Kemetic History of Afrika * Blue Lotus*: 4 Symbolic Elements”)


King Hotepsekhemwy pictured below.

"Motives of Dynasty III. A breath of life came from the Sudan. The new dynasty was headed by Sa-nekht of Sudany type, and he gave a fresh impetus which was later continued by Zeser, yet there was no invention, but only a strengthening of the old style, without a different art.” (“Nubian Language Fans. عشاق اللغة النوبية. - Proto-historic ...”)

“The southern source was likewise the inspiration of the XIIth, the XVIIIth, the XXVth dynasties, and in a similar manner. (“EgyptSearch Forums: The Anu People - Founders of Pharaonic ...”) The Sudany infusion continued in the upper classes, as seen in the head of Seker-kha-bau.”

Ahmose-Nefertari is wife to pharaoh Amenhotep I … Flinders Petrie describes her as (“a black queen … and divine ancestress of the XVIIIth dynasty).


“The development of stone building at the Step Pyramid of Zeser at Saqqara was based on earlier craft, the carvings of Dynasty I in wood and ivory. (“Nubian Language Fans. عشاق اللغة النوبية. - Proto-historic ...”) Small objects such as head-rests, had columns with convex fluting, and with concave, in the IInd dynasty. The motives may have originated in the larger work and, later, been borrowed for it again. A similar translation from wood to stone is also to be found in the stone copies of wooden doorways, and of wooden doors represented as thrown open, at the entry of chambers in the temple of the Step Pyramid. In the IIIrd dynasty there was the achievement of using stone for wood, fixing the principles of art.”—W.M. Flinders Petrie.” (“Nubian Language Fans. عشاق اللغة النوبية. - Proto-historic ...”)

After being pressured, Petrie diminished or canceled his credibility by admitting that there were Sudanese dynasties. But his conclusions that his "New Race" Caucasoid invaders built predynastic and dynastic Egyptian culture had already spread and taken roots throughout the academic world. Many scholars, historians, and prominent universities laureled him the father of Egyptology. The current position of modern scholarship is that the Egyptian civilization was an indigenous Nile Valley development. Wikipedia, Wallis Budge, and many others.


Petrie's conclusion on the pre-menite technology of being "wooden" falsely suggested that his "New Race" brought from Europe or invented pyramid knowledge. He had not shown evidence of the origin of this knowledge in Europe or elsewhere. It is evident now that the Anu and other native tribes not only perfected the divine worship of God, at least, at Qustul, and invented physics, Mathematics, engineering, chemistry used is their pyramid culture. Additionally, the proofs are the elegant ceramics preceding metallurgy and concrete made even of diorite and granite hundreds to thousands of years before the pyramids and obelisks, and other knowhows from Sudan's Nabta Playa to South African's Adam's Calendar.