God of the Kushite-Egyptians Part 4

Written on 04/13/2022
Aston Farquharson

Diorite and Granite Metallurgy of the Monumental God

The Badarian culture of 4,500 to 4,000 BC was likely Nubia-Sudan culture of both Upper Nile and Lower Nile culture of Anu and other tribes of Qustul, Ta-Seti, and Kerma, all precursor cultures of the Kushites. Therefore, Naqada, not far from Abydos, Badarian, and Amratian has plenty of artifacts like ceramics evidencing Naqada's thousands of years of predynastic culture. Naqada and Saqqara ceramics, potteries, and vases artifacts are of granite and concrete harder than most stones as well as stones that are metallic. Some ceramics and potteries were of diorite, basalt, and shale. Archeologists found statues and figurines in granite, shale, and quartz. These stones are the toughest on earth except for diamonds and a few others. The Africans had the knowledge and mastered the skills to mold these stones into smooth, beautiful vases and potteries. 


Archeologists discovered thousands of metal-like vases, ceramics, and ornaments in the vicinity of Saqqara, some with images of people, animals, boats, trees, herds, scenes with a combination of these images which evidenced the beginnings of writing in complete sentences. This technology is proof that signaled the pyramids and stelae of granite technology, not of a "New Race" or aliens or an Atlantis super-race of which not a tendril of evidence exists to this day!


“Petrie remains controversial for his anti-democratic pro-eugenics racial views. He was a dedicated believer in the superiority of the Northern peoples over the Latinate and Southern peoples. (“Flinders Petrie Explained”) [27] These views spilled over into his academic opinions. Believing that society is the product of racial biology, [28] he contended that the culture of Ancient Egypt was derived from an invading Caucasoid “Dynastic Race”, which had entered Egypt from the south in late predynastic times, conquered the "inferior, exhausted mulatto" natives, and slowly introduced the higher Dynastic civilization as it interbred with them. [27][29] Petrie engaged in fierce controversies with the British Museum's Egyptology expert E.A. Wallis Budge, who contended that the religion of the Egyptians was not introduced by invaders, but was essentially identical to that of the people of northeastern and central Africa; however, most of their colleagues judged Petrie's opinion to be more "scientific". Wikipedia.


Again, even with his admission that some of the dynasties were Anu or "Sudany" or "Sudan", Petrie still incorrectly wrote that the Ancient Egyptians were a "New Race" of Caucasian invaders.


Emile Amélineau and the Anu-Kushite God

Amélineau is credited with the discovery of the Anu and their contribution to African Egyptian civilization. (“EgyptSearch Forums: The Anu People - Founders of Pharaonic ...”) Amélineau designated the first black race to occupy Egypt as the Anu. He showed how they came slowly down the Nile and founded the cities of Esneh, Erment, Qouch and Anu or Nekhen or Heliopolis. (“EgyptSearch Forums: The Anu People - Founders of Pharaonic ...”) The actual Anu name is always written with the symbol of three columns. "He states that "All those cities have the characteristic symbol which serves to denote the name Anu."" (“Egypt Search Forums: The Anu People - Founders of Pharaonic ...”) 


The original name for Heliopolis is "Annu" as stated in the Paprus of Ani. "Egypt's greatest Masters, Osiris, Hermes (Tehuti or Thoth), Isis, and Horus all belonged to "the old race" … “the black Anu." (Chandler, 1999) Citing evidence uncovered in Amélineau excavations, he concludes that: "All those cities have the characteristic symbol which serves to denote the name Anu. It is also in an ethnic sense that we must read the term Anu applied to Osiris. (“Nubian Language Fans. عشاق اللغة النوبية. - Proto-historic ...”) As a matter of fact, in a chapter introducing hymns in honor of Ra and containing Chapter XV of the Book of the Dead, we read: ‘Hail to thee, O God Ani in the mountainous land of Antem! O great God, falcon of the double solar mountain!’


"If Osiris was a Nubian origin, although born at Thebes, it would be easy to understand why the struggle between Set and Horus took place in Nubia. In any case, it is striking that the goddess Isis, according to the legend, has precisely the same skin color that Nubians always have, and that the god Osiris has what seems to me an ethnic epithet indicating his Nubian origin. Apparently, this observation has never been made, "Amélineau, Prolégomènes, pp. 124-125.


"These Anu were agricultural people, raising cattle on a large scale along the Nile, shutting themselves up in walled cities for defensive purposes." (“MYSTERY RELATING TO TEHUTI-THOTH - Kemetic History of Afrika”) To this people we can attribute, without fear of error, the most ancient Egyptian books, The Book of the Dead and the Texts of the Pyramids, consequently, all the myths or religious teachings. I would add almost all the philosophical systems then known and still called Egyptian. They evidently knew the crafts necessary for any civilization and were familiar with the tools those trades required. They knew how to use metals, at least elementary metals. (“Terah's Nubian Ancestors ~ Big Bang Theory”) They made the earliest attempts at writing, for the whole Egyptian tradition attributes this art to Thoth, the great Hermes an Anu like Osiris, who is called Onian in Chapter XV of The Book of the Dead and in the Texts of the Pyramids. Certainly the people already knew the principal arts; it left proof of this in the architecture of the tombs at Abydos, especially the tomb of Osiris and in those sepulchers objects have been found bearing unmistakable stamp of their origin, such as carved ivory, or a little head of a Nubian girl found in a tomb near that of Osiris, or the small wooden or ivory receptacles in the form of a feline head--all documents published in the first volumn of my Fouilles d'Abydos".


Amélineau declared:

"From the various Egyptian legends, I have been able to conclude that the populations established in the Nile Valley, were Negro race, since the goddess Isis is said to be born in the form of a black red woman, that is to say, as I explained with the coffee-au-lait color that some Negroes have, whose skin seems to have metallic copper reflections." (Extract from "Prolegomena to the Study of Egyptian Religion, 1916, Ed Leroux)


Scholars wrote that the pharaohs appeared in Egypt and built pyramids, obelisks, temples of stones with granite with no evidence of how they came by this knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry and engineering. These scholars never asked how the Ancient Egyptians acquired this vast knowledge so rapidly, especially their sacred scriptures enumerated in the Pyramid Texts, the Coffin Texts, the Book of the Dead, thousands of papyri, steles and other documents.


Emile Amélineau first discovered that the Anu people were the predynastic and first dynasties of Ancient Egypt or as we now know in Abydos or Nubia-Sudan. We also now know that the dynasties except for one, prior to the invaders after 600 BC., were of African origin or Kushites-Kemites.


Amélineau continues based on his "excavations of Abydos":

"All these towns have the characteristic sign which is used to write the name of the Anu. It is also in an ethnic sense that we must explain the epithet of Anu applied to Osiris. (“Scientific proof that the first civilization came from Nubia”) In fact, in a chapter which serves as an introduction to the hymns to Ra and contains chapter XV of the Book of the Dead, it is said in speaking of Osiris "Hail to you!" O God Friend in the mountainous country of Antem, O great God sparrowhawk of the double solar mountain…"


The Anu are the farmers and cattle breeders who founded and mothered Kushite and Ancient Egyptian civilization, as Amélineau states further:


"Egyptian civilization, this is perfectly evident of the above is not of Asian origin but of African origin, of Negroid origin although this assertion may paraître paradoxical. We are not used, in fact, to endow the Negro race or the neighboring races with too many intelligences, with enough intelligence even to have made the first discoveries necessary for civilization and yet there is only one of the tribes inhabiting the interior of Africa which has not possessed or does not yet possess any of these early discoveries."


On bas-reliefs, Amélineau says:

"We see four women dressed in long petticoats, quite like these negresses who are still represented in the tombs of the XVIIIth dynasty, in the tomb of Rekhmara in particular… The women of Negro origin were not disoriented in France. among the animals of their country and then the question arises again: how Egyptians from that time could they know the special animals in the center of Africa as well as the inhabitants of central Africa if they were Asians, Semites who entered the valley of the Nile by the isthmus of Suez? The observed presence of the aforementioned animals and of the Negroes on the ivories which I have just described, is it not convincing proof that the conquerors of Egypt had come from the center of Africa?" (From the Prolegomena).


Khoisan to Bantu to Anu and other Tribes Evolving to Ta-Seti, Qustul, Kerma, Kush-Ethiopia, Nubia, Kemite Divine Worship of the Supreme God

The Kushites-Kemites evolved from the Khoisan and Bantu tribes 75,000 years ago (long after Homo Erectus and Home Habilis). They likely migrated into East, West, and North Africa because of adverse climatic conditions turning rainforests into grassland, then grasslands into deserts from the Kalahari to Nubia and Sahara. They seemed to comprise 20-40 nomes (nomadic tribes) settling permanently in Lower Nile and Upper Nile kingdoms in the land of Kushite-Nubia, now called Sudan. Kush-land covered at least from Tanzania to Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea. One state likely developed from these nomadic kingdoms forming Upper and Lower Nile. These nomes in later centuries consolidated with symbolic crowns of the Sedge and Bee became the white crown in Upper Nile and in Lower Nile nomes the Bee crown became the red crown over likely thousands of years. Nile Valley was a perfect habitat for them with reliable supply of water for farming. The Nile is fed by, among other rivers, what the Africans called the Mother of God, Lake Nalubaale, which was renamed Lake Victoria by the British.


The Kushites and Anu people advanced the worship of God from Adam’s Calendar to Nabta Playa, and then at Qustul, Napata, and Giza. The numerous ancestral, predynastic inventions in Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Chemistry, and Metallurgy were used to construct monuments to God. This indicates very sophisticated, predynastic civilizations with high level of knowledge hundreds to thousands of years before Ancient Egypt's first dynasty. 


Again, the predynastic carvings, cementing, and knowledge of metallurgy should end the speculations that aliens built the pyramids and obelisks. Aliens didn't live on earth then suddenly disappeared in spaceships or Star Trek radioactive transporters, leaving no evidence of these machines in Africa or elsewhere. The inventions of ceramics, potteries, and statues from metal or metallic rocks signaled the metallic pyramid stones, obelisks, temples, sarcophagi, stelae or megaliths, and other monuments. The Palermo stone confirms that this knowledge of metallurgy existed before the First Dynasty, and we also see that thousands of potteries predated the first dynasty of Narmer-Menes. World academia is a gross failure to all who seek knowledge and truth!


In addition to nearby cities and towns, Abydos had a necropolis of cemeteries with thousands of tombs of all sizes, some wooden, indicating that natives occupied these areas for thousands of years before the First Dynasty. The important sacred and divine City of Anu, later called Nekhen had already appeared with temples worshipping Ra. The City of Anu or Nekhen was one of the surviving birthplaces of religious worship of the predynastic Anu and other tribes. The mounting evidence shows that the African Ntr (God) revealed Himself before Abydos or before even Nubia-Sudan. Some scholars cited early Napatan village in Nubia-Sudan as that place Ra revealed Himself precisely at the crossing of the rivers where Africans believe their God created man and woman. This place is very similar to the place of the Bible's creation theory in Genesis.


Between 15,000 BC and 5,000 BC, Kerma-Nubia-Kush also engaged in widescale cattle-breathing and farming, likely learned from the earlier Khoisan and Bantu tribes. These are the likely pastoralist people who formed Ta-Seti, Qustul, Kerma, Kushite-Ethiopia, Nubia, and Ancient Egypt. Kerma ceramics were considered among the most elegant in the ancient world, even during the prehistoric civilizations.

According to Julian Henderson, The Science & Archaeology of Materials, London: Routledge 200: 54), it seems that the people of Kerma developed faience technologies independently of Egypt and were manufacturing unusual new crafts such as glazed quartzite, faience pots, and architectural inlays. (“hereafter -- Kerma - Our Ancient World”) Sub-Saharan Africa also had fauna with widescale faience, mica, ivory, quartz, exquisite bracelets, and necklaces. The Tera Neter statue is made from faience using metal technology before the first dynasty.

Kerma's civilizations is exemplified by its extraordinary Defuffas, its predynastic pottery, and ceramic technologies in stone and metals. Along with the Anu's civilizations in Abtu (Abydos), these are irrefutable evidence of the massive, maternal knowledge of the parents undeniably birthing its glorious child: Ancient Egypt.