God of the Kushite-Egyptians Part 5

Written on 04/20/2022
Aston Farquharson

Mdw Ntr and the Divine Supreme God

The Turin Papyrus or Turin Royal Canon Column 2 mentions the Gods of Ancient Egypt, Spirits and "Mythical Kings". This interpretation of the hieroglyphics, like too many others, is not correct. It demeans the dignity African culture of God worship. Let's explore it.


The Turin Royal Canon includes not only some of the dynastic pharaohs and kings, but also mentions the so-called "divine pharaohs (rulers) who came from elsewhere" and who reigned around 15,000 to 12,000 BC, before the first dynasty of Narmer-Menes. Some scholars lacking understanding of African culture called these "divine" kings "Mythical Kings" - meaning that they were not real. The Turin Papyrus also speaks of these "Mythical Kings" existing thousands of years before the First Dynasty of Narmer-Menes in 3,100 BC. The Palermo Stele is misinterpreted or mistranslated by naming predynastic kings as gods or "Mythical Kings". These kings also existed thousands of years before the First Dynasty of Ancient Egypt in 3,100 BC. The stele refers to Horus himself as a king or ruler who reigned over the "land" of Kemet, yet some scholars and historians wrongly classify them as "Mythical Kings".


There was no such land as Egypt when the tribes from the south built their kingdoms and civilizations, before their Kushite and Kemite progenies! They moved into North Africa from South and Sub-Saharan Africa with vast knowledge and built thriving cities. Some tribes settled on one piece of land from the East African Great Lakes to the Nile Valley. The name Egypt is a concoction of historians or scholars attempting to make these African cultures Arabic, Semitic, Asiatic, or European. The Kushite-Kemite Sacred Canons refer to Nile Valley as Upper and or Lower Nile, not any other lands. The Africans probably did not know or believe anything was in the north. They did leave brief indications of curiosity to Ursa Major and Ursa Minor in their astronomy studies at Nabta Playa. But that was it!


The Bible, too, calls Nile Valley regions Kush (Ethiopia) and Kemet (Egypt). The Nile runs south to north from Sub-Saharan or east Africa to the Mediterranean Sea and was only occupied by Africans until Assyria, Persia, Greece, and others came after 600 BC. Kush and Egypt are modern, descriptive names rather than authentic references to the ancestral, cultural heritage of the social, religious, and political people spanning tribal evolutions from southern Africa to Sub-Saharan and North Africa (Habilis, Erectus, Khoisan, Bantu).


Amélineau, Flinders, Williams, and numerous others have shown that kings or pharaohs existed in the Nile Valley before even Upper and Lower Nile got its name in the hieroglyphics, which also predated the people we know of today as Kushites-Kemites. These predynastic kings were neither mythical nor divine spirits from the Ursa or Orion galaxies. It is disgraceful that "intelligent" academia perpetuated this narrative amid obvious facts and truths. No wonder the Bible is not a good place to teach children moral ethics unless its theologians removed Deuteronomy 20:16-18 clearly embracing race genocides and ethnic cleansing, among others listed below.


The Kushite-Kemite Sacred Canons of kings are as real as those in the Bible. Chapter Fifteen of the Book of the Dead refers to Onian (Osiris). The Papyrus of Ani, Book of the Dead, page 14, says Osiris was king of Abtu (Abydos). In the sacred hieroglyphics, Tehuti (Thoth) is the scriber of the early Book of the Dead. The texts became the Pyramid Texts depicting Hr or Heru (Horus) and his father Osiris in Abtu as kings or as a dynasty of kings on earth. Like Osiris and Thoth, Horus was native African. We can now logically infer that Osiris parents, Nut and Geb, were also African, probably Anu. We may also conclude that Tehuti, Isis, Seth, Nephthys were likely siblings of real people in the dynasties mentioned in the Turin Papyrus, Palermo Stone, and the Kushite-Kemite Sacred Canons. These kings and queens seemed to have had their dynasties before the later Kushites-Kemites.


From the dynastic lineage of Nut and Geb, Heru became the most famous of the Predynastic and Dynastic Kushite-Kemites. Horus was deified Son of Ra (God), like Jesus, joining Ra as God the Father and God the Son, giving birth to the Spiritual realm of Forgiveness in the world, dutifully copied by the Bible. The sacred texts were written or existed in some oral form during thousands of years of the predynastic civilizations before Narmer-Menes. Some canons were written in the informal hieratics by later dynasties as the Mdw Ntr Language morphed Coptic and Demotic to accommodate diplomatic communications with Assyrians, Babylonians, and Akkadians elsewhere in the Mid-East.


Chapter Fifteen's hymns of prayers to Ra in the Book of the Dead, states: "Hail to thee, O God Ani in the mountainous land of Antem! O great God, falcon of the double solar mountain!" The falcon reference here is to Ra and Horus deified the Falcon god likely by Ra. The early predynastic sacred Pyramid, Coffin, and Book of the Dead texts are attributed to Tehuti, who wrote extensively about Horus and Osiris as kings. 


The Papyrus of Ani also says Osiris is in Khenti or Khentiu, which was the land of Nubia-Sudan, placing Abydos existence in the land of Nubia-Sudan or the land of the later Kushites (Kerma and Nubia), "Osiris Khenti-Amenti Un-Nefer… Osiris the scribe Ani adoreth Osiris, Lord of Rasta, and the Great Company of the Gods who live in Khert-Neter." He said: "Homage to thee, Khenti Amenti, Un-Nefer, who dwellest in Abtu…" Here, Abtu and Khenti or Khentiu mean the people of Nubia-Sudan. There are dozens of these references in these sacred texts. Scholars and historians who elect to write on this subject should do a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Kushites-Kemites sacred universe of facts and learn these truths. And they must study African culture and stop filling their voids with speculations!


Amélineau, Williams, and Petrie have provided mountains of evidence in hundreds of their books, articles, and speeches for conclusions on the truth. Their discoveries have impeached the narrative of many people, including the idea of mythical kings, and that the Ancient Egyptians were Arabic, Semitic, or Caucasoid. The Kushite-Kemite Sacred Canons proved their discoveries.


One Divine God & One Divine Spirituality

The Sacred Kushites-Kemites Ancestral Leaders


African Dynasty of Ancestral Leaders before the Kushite-Kemites are mistaken for Dynasties of Gods!

Like their Khoisan and Bantus ancestors, the pre-Kushite (Qustul, Nabta Playa, Kerma, Ta-Seti etc.) and Anu were pastoralist people who engaged in farming before the appearance of Kush, Ethiopia, Nubia, and Ancient Egypt. They were sun people who saw their God in the solar power of the sun that could make life or end life on earth. They were the first people to worship God up there - in Heaven! 


African tribes and the Anu built the first pyramids (both the Step Pyramid, and later the three Giza Pyramids), aligning them with Orion Constellation stars. The Orion's bright grandness illuminates the eastern skies like only SolaRë could: Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. These and the other Orion Constellations of stars form numerous triangles, thus the triangular shapes of pyramids built to align with other Orion Constellation stars – up there! In Heaven! Like the hieroglyphics and the Sacred Canons, pyramids are sacred monuments of the Kushites-Kemites. Thus is the brightness and grandness of Kushite-Kemite Divine Spirituality. 


Many Kushites-Kemites progenies have sadly abandoned this Divine Spirituality of the Old Race for imitations and copies. They also abandoned their Sacred Mdw Ntr filled with the knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors. We watch others strip away Mdw Ntr, piece by piece, and use it to create their own or as their own. We look in the mirror, unable to embrace the original in us we see…SolaRë. 


The Kushites and Anu sun-people also discovered that the Spring equinox, the celestial position of the Constellation Leo, helically rose east of the Milky Way on the elliptical path of our sun. In contrast, the Constellation Orion positioned westerly of the Milky Way. SolaRë made these stars in Heaven. Before the City of Anu or the Nekhen temples, God-worship was evident at their megaliths and monoliths at Adam's Calendar and at Nabta Playa. They studied astronomy in these and other places (the Orion and other constellations) in Africa. The knowledge in astronomy led them to observe other star systems' impact on earth's devastating monsoon rains that affected their agriculture and survival. 


Between 30,000 BC to 15,000 BC, these sun-people mapped the zodiac, and along with it, they wrote down the Dogmas and Doctrines of Divine Spirituality. Kushite Spirituality and God-worship were practiced in an oral tradition before being fully enumerated in the Kushite-Kemite Sacred Canons (the Pyramid Texts, the Coffin Texts, the Book of the Dead, papyri, and stele). The original is SolaRë!

Ta-Neteru to Anu and Nekhen Temple

Ta-Neteru is the African Ntr-worship before they created kingdoms and empires. Poor translations, transliterations, and ignorance of Ta-Neteru perpetuated real rulers as "Divine Spirits" or "Mythical Kings". The Neteru is associated with earthly divine kings, divine worship, divine priests, and divine dynastic rule, not celestial beings or aliens. By calling mere rulers - gods of the Sacred Canons, scholars and historians diminished the values of God worship and moral ethics. The Sacred Canons are merely referencing mortal, divine messengers or Tera-Neter priestly leaders, kings, and saints, that the Bible itself dutifully copied in many regards. 


These writers are also implying that Africans were engaging idolatry and broad immorality by worshipping many gods. An abiding cultural knowledge of Africans is missing from their harmful interpretations and poor translations of the Sacred Canons. Those misguided translations probably led to genocides and ethnic cleansings in the Bible: Genesis 9:24-27, Deuteronomy 20:16-18, Joshua 6:21, 1st Samuel 15:2-3, Ezekiel 30:17, and others plus innumerable and destructive falsehoods in history books and other publications.


There is no idolatry, no sexual deviances, no hatred of other people and their religions by the Kushite-Kemites. SolaRë or Ra was their only supreme God. Kushite-Kemite Sacred Canons are specific, detailed, and irrefutable in this regard: 


Papyrus of Nu in the British Museum where Ra declares "...I am Ra..." or I am God! 

The Papyrus of Ani (also residing at the British Museum) states, "…Ra, the father of the gods…"

And to make it clear that there is one, or monotheistic God or one Supreme God of the Africans Kushites-Kemites:

The Papyrus of Ani (Book of the Dead) states, again: "O Ra … the divine man-child, the heir of eternity, self-begotten and self-born, king of the earth, prince of the Tuat (the Other World), governor of Aukert... O thou god of life, thou lord of love, all men live when thou shinest; thou art crowned king of the gods…" 

Ra or Rë is the one Supreme God, who was King of kings, Lord of lords, to restate from the Papyrus of Ani, "…thou art crowned king of the gods…"